Going Green and Healthy for FA’s 20th Anniversary

To mark Financial Alliance’s 20th year as an Independent Financial Advisory Firm, the company’s staff, representatives and business partners are chipping in to take part in two special activities – “Plant Hope for the Future” and the “FA 20,000 Challenge” – that focus on health – the planet’s health and our physical health.
Plant Hope for the Future
What better way is there to commemorate Financial Alliance’s 20th Anniversary than to channel our positive energy toward transforming our “Garden City” into a “City in Nature”?
With that in mind, staff and FA Representatives from Financial Alliance planted 50 trees along Old Holland Road as part of the NParks Singapore’s OneMillionTrees Movement (which is within the Singapore Green Plan 2030 to “restore nature back into our city through the planting of more than a million trees across Singapore” from 2020 to 2030; to-date, over 366,000 trees have been planted). What’s more, the trees were planted on 21 April 2022 – the eve of Earth Day 2022! Only 40 participants were permitted to participate, but fret not, Financial Alliance will hold a second tree-planting session later in 2022 so that more staff and FA Representatives can join in.

“This is the first time many of us urban dwellers will get to plant a tree,” said Michelle Ee, Wealth Management Director at Financial Alliance and Chairperson for the 20th Anniversary CSR Projects Committee. “What’s more, the trees will be planted on state land, where members of the public will one day get to enjoy the shade and visual beauty of the trees we plant. That’s why our slogan for this activity is ‘Plant Hope for the Future’.”
On 21 April 2022, the day scheduled for the tree-planting, overcast skies and prolonged rain cast uncertainty over whether the event would proceed that afternoon. Financial Alliance’s 40 tree-planting participants nevertheless assembled at the site selected by NParks, hoping for the best. Fortunately, the rain had mostly cleared by then, and everyone picked up hoes and spades and got to work.

An hour later, after much huffing and puffing, all 50 trees had found new homes along Old Holland Road!

Mission accomplished!

Donation Presentation to NParks
On 27 June 2022, Financial Alliance was honoured to host NParks and present to them the second tranche of the company’s donation to the “Garden City Fund”. The first tranche has been donated a few months before. NParks’ “Garden City Fund” is the source of funding for the OneMillionTrees Movement.

“In partnering with NParks in the meaningful OneMillionTrees Movement, Financial Alliance is delighted, and at the same time humbled, to have a hand in enhancing the greenery in our garden city,” said Vincent Ee, Managing Director and co-founder of Financial Alliance. “We are keenly looking forward to planting the next 50 trees later this year. The saplings planted will grow and yield benefits years from now. It resonates with us. “
FA 20,000 Challenge
In a separate Anniversary activity, Financial Alliance is holding the “FA20,000 Challenge” for three months from May to July 2022. The Challenge is a private corporate activity that is open only to Financial Alliance’s staff, FA representatives and business partners. Family members of the staff and FA representatives may take part too.
Participants who “accept” the Challenge are to run, jog or cycle to cumulatively achieve the collective target of 20,000 kilometres. The distances completed by every “FA20,000 Challenge” participant will be tracked by To Go Parts at https://www.togoparts.com/challenges/home/fa20kchallenge.

“There is no minimum distance a participant has to complete,” Michelle Ee added. “The point is to add a health element to the activity, and let that drive their effort. Participants can form teams among themselves and have fun encouraging each other on.”
Apart from adding pleasant and worthwhile greenery to our national landscape, participants get to indulge in activities that promote their physical health. The forward-looking nature of both objectives fits Financial Alliance’s progressive culture perfectly. Even while celebrating its 20th year milestone, Financial Alliance firmly keeps the future in mind – we are doing this for healthier days ahead for ourselves and our planet!